Guests Initiative

Resident guests at Barberyn Beach and those who had joined from Barberyn Reef explored with the Barberyn Management ways in which they could help the villagers in Weligama. We all realized the importance of a coordinated approach. We also realized the need to consult the provincial authorities and the people concerned. After consultation with the monk and the village headman and provincial council, there was consensus on several project ideas. The first priority how ever was cooked food and dry rations. Then came short term shelter and the re-establishment of livelihoods.

Guests from Barberyn Reef Resort share their stories.

Resident guests decided to contribute towards the immediate relief efforts and successfully collected enough funds to cover the cost of food and dry rations and several toilets and kitchens which enabled the villagers of “Kadabaddegama” to leave the camps and go back to their homes.

Very soon Barberyn past guests started responding to the initiatives to assist the villages, contributing to specific projects that interested them, or contributing generally to any project that needed funding by contributing to the “helping hands”.

Resident guests listening to the monk and the provincial council officials and determining the way to help the village

Resident guests were also interested in helping to improve the schools in the surrounding area – so that the children who have been directly and indirectly touched by the Tsunami would have a pleasant environment to study and progress. Guests also gave a name for this – the Bodhi programme.

Resident quests who were at Barberyn Beach contributing funds